1 year ago

ideas for gamejolt to make more money (so they bring back firesides)

just some ideas that could help gamejolt make more money so they can revive firesides

normal ideas are ones that are pretty harmless

risky ones might get annoying or paywall stuff

last-case ones are if nothing else works to get gamejolt money, and they can be pretty annoying


normal ideas (ones that should definitely be added):

  • replace charged stickers with direct donations (gamejolt gets all the ad money and creators end up making more, maybe allow people to set the percentage gamejolt gets too like games, could keep charged stickers but make them either harder to get or lower the typical percentage of ad money they give to creators)

  • increase the percentage revenue gamejolt can take from a game (make it like 20% but keep it customizable still for people who want to support gamejolt more or don’t)

  • make the creator role harder to get (more ad money for gamejolt)

  • direct donations to gamejolt on-site (easily accessible for normal people if they want to support the site

  • get sponsorships or ads on other sites like youtube to get more traffic over so more ads are seen (ads equal money basically, more people more ads seen more money made)

  • add more features to the site that aren't stickers or just for creators (maybe look to itch.io for inspiration, will make people more likely to support the site if it gets useful updates and might move over some people from other sites)


risky ideas (ones that may get annoying):

  • more ads on gamejolt (more ad money for gamejolt and technically creators too, probably would get annoying)

  • more things to spend joltbux on* (idk what but it would give gamejolt more money since more people would want that cool customization thing)


last-case scenario ideas (only if these other ones don’t work):

  • some sort of subscription (think twitter blue but actually useful and good, idk what specifically it would be)


*might make a whole other article on what they could add for this

half of these i don't know why aren't already here but yeah, we want firesides!!!

hire me gamejolt please i'd be like the only employee looking to make more than $1 a day for the site!!!

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that was so close oml

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