Guardian of Andra (Alpha)

7 years ago

Ideas on the horizon

Hello, Guardians!

Just a small devlog to update you guys on where we are with the game.

Recently, we’ve had the opportunity to play Breath of the Wild in full, and, as stated in previous updates, we draw a lot of inspiration from Zelda.

We’ve been observing and learning and seeing what we can do like Zelda and, most importantly, what we can do differently from it.

In addition to what we were previously working on, we’re also improving the UI and the tutorials, expanding the use of the Polaris ability and revamping parts of the worldbuilding and the plot.

We are also preparing stuff to submit GoA to indie game festivals, contests, official government competitions and other such things. Root for us! We’re hoping for the best!

Thank you all for the continuous support! See you guys in next week’s devlog!

-Doug Lima and Ligia Assis
Guardian of Andra on Facebook



Next up

Lots of concepts!

Check out our first Ludum Dare entry! for Ludum Dare 44. Seriously, everyone should try making a jam game. We learned a lot more than we expected!

Sneak preview of the new area

It's very satisfying to do 400+ damage against bounded units :P

Game direction + tell us what you think!

gotta catch 'em all

A whole new world to explore!

it ain't much but it's honest work

Lots of work ahead!

Our new main character!