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Found out how to make sans on adobe after effects, so here's a goofy anim test and export test. I'll def do more tomorrow most likely
Update Post #2: NEW GJ BANNER Beautifully well made by @Sharfav3in !
Ruh roh...
*human... im sorry i have been bitchy
*but i indubitably tired, but i will winner this battler
*MR BEAST?????
No progress for rn, but you can take this pic of my dog (I refer to him as toby fox lol)
that silly fella who likes to fall down a lot
Sprite by me/Asstro
Decided to practice drawing on paper yet again, and I'm actually happy that it came out well. This is a character from a show I like, his name's el kabong (you'll def see a lot more art of him and other characters)