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Mandela Catalogue Lore! PS, Thanks Cesar/@buttonboots :D

If you don't know what this fandom is look at this lore please!

my eyes are wide open

Mark, The Mandela Catalogue Vol.333

Mark Heathcliff is a prominent protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. Mark is a young, religious boy from https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Mandela_County who has had multiple encounters with https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Alternate throughout his life. These events tie heavily into the plot of The Mandela Catalogue.


Mark is a round-faced, fair-skinned young man with fluffy brown hair and eyes.

He is seen wearing a gray hoodie over a black T-shirt with blue jeans.

Mark is an overly paranoid, possibly traumatized individual. Having encountered https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/6 at a very young age may have left an impact on Mark growing up, as can be seen in Exhibition.

Mark has some sort of fear of the Torres household for unknown reasoning, whether due to a past experience or simply his exaggerated paranoia is unknown.


The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 1

Introduced as Victim One, sometime in September of 1992, Mark gets a call from "https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Cesar_Torres" who is on the way to the Emergency Room after finding his mother collapsed. Cesar asks Mark if he can go to his house to turn on their security cameras to which Mark reluctantly agrees, claiming to not like Cesar's house. Before hanging up, Cesar asks Mark to get a good look at the back hallway.

After turning on the security cameras and returning home, Mark discovers that he was followed home by an alternate and barricades himself in his bedroom for days whilst being taunted by it. Mark attempts to call authorities multiple times but is ignored. Mark attempts to confront the alternate, but ultimately takes his own life.

Near the end of the episode we are shown a story written by a 4-year-old Mark about the "Scary Night". In this story, he describes how he was up late at night and had an encounter with 6, which he referred to as "the man in the corner". After this, he fell asleep, implying that 6 was not attempting to kill Mark. He is known to have shown this story at his elementary school Mandela Elementary School.


We are shown multiple recordings by Mark on August 30, 1992 going to a church and his home, recording at seemingly random. He is supposedly suffering from severe paranoia. At the midpoint of the episode, he is shown recording an analogue television with an alternate emerging from it.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2

Mark makes a small cameo during the scene where 6 flashes imagery from Season One on the television after https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Adam_Murray asks who he is.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 333

Mark’s high school contacts the police after he fails to appear at school for several days with no excuse of absence from either of his parents and no emergency contact on file to call. They ask the police to go to his home and get the number of whoever responds at the door.

Once MCPD Lieutenant Thatcher Davis arrives at the home he is forced to knock open the door as there is no response when he arrives. Shortly thereafter we cut to an investigation of Mark's house. We first see the analogue television in Mark's room before Thatcher turns his flashlight on and discovers Mark's body with multiple .50 caliber casings beside the bed, implying a struggle between him and the alternate. Thatcher finds a cassette player, a Holy Bible, and a notebook on top of the television.

A slideshow plays, identifying Cesar Torres as the perpetrator in Mark's case, as his finger prints were discovered on Mark's bedroom door. The following are shown as points of interest:

Mark's camcorder, containing a tape titled "shadow under the door": The tape is dates September 14, 1992. The shadow of an individual is seen outside Mark's door and they knock rapidly, repeatedly.

Mark's cassette player, containing a cassette labeled "voices outside my room": When played the voice tells Mark to let them in before harshly mimicking a different voice. The tape is flipped and a crowd of people can be heard.

Mark's notebook: In Mark's journal he wrote reassurances of God's love, saying that he needs protection and that he is scared. Mark slowly breaks down, saying nobody came for him and begging the reader to stop "it" before it does this to anyone else. Mark wrote "Who have I been praying to all this time?" repeatedly before writing it over each other.

The last page reads "my eyes are wide open".

One last thing. Try to get a good view of the back hallway.

"Cesar", The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 1

Cesar Torres is a victim of the alternate invasion in The Mandela Catalogue.


Cesar Torres is an 18 year-old, fair-skinned young man with mid-length black hair, seen wearing a black suit with a red bowtie, white undershirt, and a rose attached to the left pec. By time we meet "Cesar ", he has been killed and replaced by an alternate.

Not much else is known about Cesar himself.


The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 1

Cesar Torres and his mother are killed off-screen by an alternate after it manages to break into their home through their backdoor. Later that same day, the alternate would go on to disguise itself as Cesar in his signature prom suit and call Cesar's friend Mark Heathcliff. During the recorded phone call the alternate describes as Cesar that he found his mom passed out after screaming and is on his way to the hospital, then asking Mark to turn on the security cameras at his house while he's gone. During the phonecall, "Cesar's" face glitches out to have a large smile, teasing Cesar's replacement.

After Mark finishes turning on the cameras and returns home, we are shown security camera footage from earlier that same day where Cesar's mother shouts "Who are you!? Get away from me!!" then screams. Cesar's face is seen contorting beyond recognition, confirming to the audience that he was replaced and the alternate attacked Cesar's mother.

Mark attempted to call Cesar, telling him that an alternate followed him home, not knowing "Cesar" was the alternate that followed him home.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 333

"Cesar" is discovered to have been the perpetrator involved in Mark's suicide as his fingerprints were discovered on the doorknob. It is also implied that there was a struggle between the two as multiple rounds were found on Mark's bed. Following Mark's investigation, the MCPD put up "Alternate Report" posters for Cesar Torres.

You've reached the Bythorne Paranormal Society, how can I help you?

Adam, The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2

Adam Murray is a protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue, who originally served as a minor character in Season 1 and became a major protagonist in Season 2.

He and his friend https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Jonah_Marshall are members of the https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Bythorne_Paranormal_Society (BPS), a cheap paranormal investigation group that operates in Bythorne County but is shown to be willing to investigate as far as https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Mandela_County.

Although he seems to genuinely believe in the paranormal, it's alluded that his actual motivation to be part of the BPS is to find the whereabouts of his (unbeknownst to him) https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Lynn_Murray, who https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Intruder_Alert after seeing him https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/6 back in https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mandela_Catalogue_Vol._333.


Adam is a fair-skinned male with fluffy, blond hair. He is seen wearing a black hoodie with the Bythorne Paranormal Society logo on it's back.

Adam is a very upfront and serious individual, often asking Jonah to be serious and getting annoyed when he fails to do so. Despite that, Adam is shown to be severely reckless if a case involves alternates, as the thought of danger being inside the Torres house enticed him to explore it more. He has also been shown to be impatient and crabby.

It is currently unknown why Adam is so fascinated by alternates or why he is searching for his dead mother, though a very obvious tie to his past could be made it is unclear how Adam would remember any of these events as a baby.


Intruder Alert

Adam's first appearance is in Intruder Alert, where a representation of his kidnapping and Lynn's suicide is shown to the viewer through a PSA after the Intruder takes over the signal, all while a distorted version of Ave Maria by Castrato singer Alessandro Moreschi plays in the background.

2009 Winter Break

Prior to Volume 2, the FBI had warranted Jonah and Adam's arrest. Throughout Volume 2, it is heavily implied that this warrant hadn't just been caused due to being associated with the possibly criminal-in-nature Bythorne Paranormal Society, but also for breaking and entering a USDTP building and stealing technology from there, thus breaking the Television and Mirror Destruction Order.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2

Adam, introduced as Victim 3, receives a phone call from an unnamed woman, claiming to hear the sounds of her dead cat Jonny. When his friend, Jonah, proposes it as a cat alternate Adam quickly shushes him, only for the woman to say she doesn't believe it to be an alternate, and that only his spirit roams the house and asks if the two can help him pass on, to which they agree after the promise of $500 a night for three nights.

After packing their stuff into their car trunk, the car fails to start. The two go over their options, either fix the car or steal "another one". Adam attempts to fix their car before they simply decide to steal a car.

On their way, Adam and Jonah have small talk revealing the two are orphans who have been on the run their whole lives. Jonah also puts doubt into the existence of alternates and the banning of screens and mirrors, saying he doubts that "https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/6 face could appear" on their GPS.

Upon arrival, Adam goes into the house alone in an attempt to contact Jonny to no avail. Adam ends the night after only finding a single locked door.

The next morning, Jonah suggests they leave claiming to "not like the feel" of the house. Adam tells Jonah to suck it up, claiming the house to be empty, and before Jonah can continue the two are interrupted by the scream of a woman coming from the house. Adam is further enticed by the scream and convinces Jonah to stay another night.

During the second night, strange happenings occur such as Jonah's voice coming from Adam's receiver shouting "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU". At some point, a voice interrupts them both, claiming to be watching them. As the two try to figure out what's happening the scene cuts to a clip of the Beginners Bible, where Eve convinces Adam to take a bite from the forbidden fruit. After which, Adam says the apple was good but that now he's scared.

Adam falls unconscious and an alternate appears, calling Adam a fool for following the shepherds and that he should follow his voice instead, less they wake "the others".

After Adam wakes up, he sends Jonah an image of the basement door now wide open and tells Jonah to call him, which starts an argument between the two. Jonah tells Adam he's "not invincible" and that they "never should have looked for [his] (redacted)". Jonah then says "if by some miracle" Adam comes out of the house, he won't be himself anymore and he won't be there to confirm it which causes Adam to shout at Jonah, telling him to leave.

After Adam enters the basement, he discovers the meows were coming from an analogue television, the footage being the cat in the Toddler Stress Assessment video from The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 1.

6 reveals themself on the analogue television, to which Adam asks what they are. 6 responds "you don't remember me?" and flashes imagery from Season One of the Mandela Catalogue on the television, lingering on a white screen playing a music box rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow before cutting an image of an upside-down woman with long hair.

The alternates chastise Adam, asking him "what have you done", Adam responds "the right thing". The alternates taunt him again, saying no one is going to help him and that nobody knows where he is. Adam attempts to contact Jonah through his walkie-talkie, to no avail.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 333

Adam's backstory is heavily expanded in Volume 333, giving us a small insight on the day prior to his kidnapping and his parents' relationship, as well as implying some small disturbances around him.

In the beginning of the episode, we can see his parents' divorce papers, revealing their names to be https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Lynn_Murray and https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Jude_Murray, and that he is their only child. Lynn is then seen calling Jude, explaining that Adam keeps on crying and waking up every night at the exact same time. Jude suggests that this was https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/6, to which after being told by Lynn that the TV had been unplugged for days, says that it might be caused by an https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Alternate_(Vol._333).

It's implied through several clips of a child's eye seeing an analog TV rapidly changing channels that unplugging the TV didn't work, and that Adam was still being manipulated by 6 despite Lynn's efforts, eventually leading him to watching https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Stanley and unknowingly caused an https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Alternate_(Vol._333) to appear in his house prior to being kidnapped.

In the extension, he gives a statement to Mandela County police, along with Sarah Heathcliff and Evelin Miller. In his recording, he sounds angry and accuses Evelyn of “making shit up” about him and “having a few screws loose”. It is also revealed that the two were in a relationship, and Adam says he's sorry for "being the mentally stable one in our [their] relationship". Evelyn says he has changed since Jonah came around and started doing investigations.

These https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Alternates have taken https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Lynn_Murray away from us, yet you still run to them every chance you get!

Jonah, to Adam, The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2

Jonah Marshall is a protagonist in The Mandela Catalogue. A member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society, he and Adam Murray are wanted by the FBI and currently on the run posing as paranormal investigators following along as Adam searches for someone he lost.


Jonah is a tan-skinned, tall-faced male with white dyed hair. He is seen wearing a dark jacket with a light-colored hood.

Jonah is a carefree, yet heavily anxious individual. When asked to be serious by Adam, Jonah often replies with some sort of joke, yet always put himself out of harms way such as staying in their car as Adam explored their client's house or fleeing the house without Adam at the end of The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2

Introduced as Victim Four, Jonah is not initially heard until an unnamed female customer mentions hearing the meows of her deceased cat Jonny. Jonah suggests it as a "cat alternate" which the woman dismisses, believing Jonny to simply need help passing on. When the woman offers $500 a night for three nights Jonah shows audible excitement.

As the two are readying to leave, their car fails to start. They go over their options: try to fix it or steal another. Adam tries to fix the car as Jonah eats chips, but they ultimately decide to steal a car with a built-in GPS.

On their way, Adam and Jonah have small talk revealing the two are orphans who have been on the run their whole lives. Jonah also puts doubt into the existence of alternates and the banning of screens and mirrors, saying he doubts that "https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/6" on their GPS.

Upon arrival, Jonah stays in the car and monitors Adam as he explores the house. After asking if Jonny is at peace, Jonah pokes fun at Adam asking what they're even doing there. Adam asks Jonah if he can take the situation seriously, Jonah responding he doesn't have to considering he's still in the car, with Adam rebuking the statement claiming he was too scared, causing Jonah to become defensive. They end the night after Adam finds a locked door.

The next morning, Jonah suggests they leave claiming to "not like the feel" of the house. Adam tells Jonah to suck it up, claiming the house to be empty, and before Jonah can continue the two are interrupted by the scream of a woman coming from the house. Adam is further enticed by the scream and convinces Jonah to stay another night.

During the second night, strange happenings occur such as Jonah's voice coming from Adam's receiver shouting "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU". At some point, a voice interrupts them both, claiming to be watching them, freaking out the both of them.

Adam fall unconscious and Jonah witnesses 6 in their physical form on the camera speaking to Adam. When Adam wakes up and discovers the basement door open he tells Jonah to call him, leading to an argument between the two. Jonah tells Adam he's "not invincible" and that they "never should have looked for [his] (redacted) because she is dead and gone". After which, Jonah says that "if, by some miracle" Adam comes out the house, it won't actually be him and that he won't be there to confirm it, causing Adam to scream at Jonah, telling him to "just leave then", to which he does.

4:34 A.M., Jonah is seen on the highway, fleeing. 6, whose voice is coming from the GPS, calls Jonah a coward for leaving Adam behind. 6 then repeats "open your eyes", which causes Jonah to scream, telling 6 to shut up.

5:23 A.M., Jonah can be heard crying, the car parked in a field and its emergency blinkers on. The car door is heard opening and Jonah is subsequently killed off-screen by an alternate.




Next up

Here are some pictures of stuff I got from the sky out of my telescope!! :)

(Moon, Star, Jupiter and Mars !!)

#space #Moon #Jupiter #Mars #Stars #telescope

YALL I kinda wanna role play solarballs? Is that weird…

Thonky Cesar?!!! 😦 | MORE FANART 👍

Just me or do I just really want to role play?

I want to role play solarballs, ninjago :3

Thonky Mark???!!! | Well here's fanart 👍


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My user: Minnie900000

Nickname: Gigi_Lloyd



Amy: me

Tails: Starboi_Pixal

Sneak peek for my coming up TikTok!!

#tiktok #dandysworld #sneakpeek #fyp