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You can stream "Song for Pessimists" on all music platforms, or buy it on Bandcamp here:
This is how life feels these days. Stream "Song for Pessimists" wherever you get your music, or buy it here:
We lost a cinema legend today (but he was also hilarious)
Time to livestream from new Realms! You can now go live from any Realm on Game Jolt. You can also tag a Realm when going live from your homepage. Visit a Realm to see who's streaming!
So hyped for the new season of Severance! One of the best shows of the last decade, highly recommend if you haven't watched the first season already. Great intro and theme song too.
My single "Song for Pessimists" is also available on Apple Music!!!
Check it out:
A friend of mine got the randomizer for Link to the Past on his emulator and now we know what Rick Sanchez would look like as Link!
Hello new followers and thank you for joining me here! I haven't posted in a while but definitely have some Legos to show off soon. In the meantime, my new single comes out January 20th and it's for anyone out there who is simply exhausted by everything.