Saturday Morning Swag'
3 years ago

If Jackson is Jackson and Jackson is Jackson with a bit of Jackson who is also Jackson then again Jackson is a Jackson. So in the end, who is Jackson? (Totally not a riddle for some lore I promise){ITS A RIDDLE FOR LORE}



Next up

All credits for next update! (Remember what you see COULD change!

Little sneak peak for next update


I forgot it's Screenshot Saturday, here is your screenshot:

Woah check out this update!

Possible leak?

Remember that lore? This is what the backdrop currently looks like, hope yall like it! also the girlfriend was kinda ripped but that will get a change later so please don't hate on this. Hope yall can still love my game and like the leak!

I made this redraw of Cuphead and thought it turned out pretty well. #CreativeCuphead. (READ ARTICLE BEFORE COMMENTING)

Bullet Mayhem :(

Does this music fit with the main menu?

(See on game)

Maybe a old friend in a new style......