This is a semi-finished boss fights engine from my main game.
Took Jevil as an example :P
Это полудоделанный движок босс файтов из моей основной игры.
Взял Джевила как пример :P
If the batle system of #Undertale / #deltarune was completely like in the #touhouproject
Если бы система битв в андертейл / дельтарун была полностью как в тохо
This is a semi-finished boss fights engine from my main game.
Took Jevil as an example :P
Это полудоделанный движок босс файтов из моей основной игры.
Взял Джевила как пример :P
just my drawing
My first drawing in Procreate Pocket
If your phone is weaker than Samsung Galaxy A02, I do not recommend playing my game.
Player's Shooting lvls. The higher the level - the more dangerous the player is for the enemies. Each level increases the number of bullets you have and the damage you can do with a bomb.
Alphys aah #undertale #fanart #art
First level boss drawing.
New interface for my game HP, BOMBS, Graze, Power, Score, High Score and Difficult mode
Evening Relaxation