Don't be shy posting your Wild Adventure OC's in the Wild Adventure Community under Creations:
Don't be shy posting your Wild Adventure OC's in the Wild Adventure Community under Creations:
Dreamland Lobby - Screenplay System!
Now you can go through the Radio Station and you can look in the other room you need to go!
#Made_with_Unity #Game #WA1 #Game_development #Platformer_game #Adventure_game
I added Gears, I created with Blender, it looks awesome!
Animation was easy to make in Unity
#Game_development #Game #WA1 #Game #Indie_game #Made_with_unity #Blender
Wooo! My songs are getting famouse!
Somebody posted them on Youtube too:
Miranda redesign I made her more gothic looking to go with the theme of her being a vampire
Woooohooo! This trophy looks very nice! :D
And I got it :>
I made a Key Hint System on the Doors
It looks more like a good game now!
Soon there will be more activities in "Dreamland FM"
Make sure to follow if you don't want to miss new characters and quests in the game!
Xmas is soon!!!
Did this little Animation, so the Player can look up now, this makes the game funny somehow, I think.
#Made_with_Unity #WA1 #Game_development #Animation #Platformer #Adventure_Game