4 years ago

If you break a rule of this community. The block gets longer everytime you get blocked

1st time = 1 Hour

2nd time = 1 Day

3rd time = 1 Week + Major Warning

4th time = 1 Month + Told on friends

5th time = 1 Year + unfollowed by me

6th time = Banned forever



Next up

Do you want to see extras without beating game? here is FNAC 1

FNAC 3 Shadow challenge Att. 2

Game over reasons:

1. You were not quick enough to lure him out of the bed (x1)

2. You died Upon tape rewinding (x1)

c a n i t a k e y o u r o r d e r


FNAC 3 Shadow challenge Att. 1

Game over reasons:

1. You were not quick enough to lure him out of the bed (x1)

I Need some help. I am trying to make a FNAF fangame today, But it keeps using Microsoft Bing instead even though it is in Google. And it gives me results that are not my style. Does anyone know how to Remove it?

Night 1 - Practice

Night 2 - Easy

Night 3 - Medium

Night 4 - Hard

Night 5 - Very Hard

Night 6 - Very Very hard

Night 7 - ???

Night NULL - Very very very hard

week 2 night 1 (current) - OH LORD DAT WAS UNEXPTECTED

If you forget the names of the FNAC Characters, There names depend on witch Animal

Candy/Cindy = Cat

Chester = Chimpanzee/Monkey

Penguin = Penguin

Blank = Unknown

RAT = Mouse

Do you want to see extras without beating game? here is FNAC 2 + VOICE REVEAL

Erase from memory now :)