That's all there is to it, if you know me and my previous account on here then you just do. All I'm asking is that you choose to leave me alone, all I want is to post my projects here for those who wish to experience them. They are not for you, or anyone else really. They're my games, my passion, and I wanted a place to host them where people can experience them if they choose to.
Making a new account was just about having a proper fresh start, it felt disingenuous to keep posting to an account that I no longer care for with a past that all I want is to move on and grow from. If you're still holding onto whatever resentment you may have towards me, then all I can do is point you towards the post that I made a few weeks ago. Other than that, please just let me post my content in peace. I don't want any interaction with anyone here, I know my place in this community and I'm not asking for more than to just be able to share my work for those who want to see it. Please just leave me alone.