Puddle Knights

4 years ago

If you prefer to play on Switch but have been waiting for a deal, Puddle Knights is now 20% off on Switch in an early holiday sale lasting 1 week! #Switch



Next up

Reminiscing about Puddle Knights game jam origins! It's already been so many years since the original prototype.

The game is on sale on Steam right now at -66% :)

More grabbable objects ➡️ more chaos. Some nice progress with the gem hunt mode!👑

We're working on a new Robotry multiplayer mode for 2-4 players: gem hunt!

Out of all of the 101 Steam reviews for Puddle Knights, this one is my favorite! 😀 Maybe you'll only get the joke if you play it though #steamsummersale

🥳 Time flies! This week it'll be one year since we got an item off our bucket list by launching our first game Puddle Knights. To celebrate, we have it 40% off on Steam and Switch! #Steam #Switch

It's Friendship Games Week on Steam AND Couch Co-op sale over on Xbox, and Robotry! is 35% off on both. Plus we just added 4 new PvP game modes! There won't be a better time to get the game than this!

Puddle Knights version 31 has been released on Steam!

The game can now be played in six languages including the historically accurate Latin! 😁

The patch also includes optimizations and minor fixes.

Introducing: One-legged challenge mode ⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is the ultimate form of Robotry! 🤖

Available now on the Steam version (consoles following later):

Here's a quick GIF showing the process of creating a level in Puddle Knights. Our developer tools make it simple to sketch out the level and its objects, however designing good puzzles can be a bit trickier... Thank you all for following our game!

Little glimpse into the process of making the sounds of heebos 🔊