Hiyumi’s Nightmare
4 months ago

If your phone is weaker than Samsung Galaxy A02, I do not recommend playing my game.




Next up

Enemies move types

Damage effect in my gameboy-styled scroll shooter game

A new game mechanic - ‘bomb’ It allows you to shoot enemies with increased damage and earn graze points for 2 seconds before the bullets are wiped from the field.

Game over screen on the first level

First level boss drawing.

New interface for my game HP, BOMBS, Graze, Power, Score, High Score and Difficult mode

just my drawing

My first drawing in Procreate Pocket

Evening Relaxation

Player's Shooting lvls. The higher the level - the more dangerous the player is for the enemies. Each level increases the number of bullets you have and the damage you can do with a bomb.

Main character art

Her name is Hiyumi.