Im making a new fan game and i seen the analitycs
Also if you want to know what is Taingle’s Time Travel,here it is:
Next up
Today marks the first anniversary of Gralbert resurfacing thanks to Bensilly's tweet documenting the now deleted video IULITM did on one of the Gralbert games. To conmemorate this moment, I've used Adobe Illustrator to draw Gralbert in his art style.
Taingle investigation
Wiki comic 1
(Project Readjusted Update 1)I have defeated the PURPLE beast
This #JackOLantern unlike me wishes you an UNhappy Halloween, how mean!
(Project Readjusted Update 1)Ok,that was a mistake
(Project Readjusted Update 1)Or it wasn't?I don't even know right now...
For the love of God Taingle
Who remembers this guy?