3 months ago

Ima be honest, I'm worried. If the player leaves the game or it crashes during a cutscene, the save file will break or the game will soft lock. I'm expirmenting with some things and might have to go back and edit almost every script.



Next up

Slightly new look for the start area

New menu is done with other hud changes.

Welcome (work in progress creators of decor properly credited within game)

Finalized the loading image (possible change in future but unlikely) (also development is going so much faster now that I finally made a debug menu, instead of typing out exec (insert script here))

I've been adding more emmisive textures ever since making Freddy's eyes glow.

You guys like the new office in the first area? I used assets that was gonna be for a scrapped mini game (that might get unscrapped, but unlikely)

Here's my progress on the first dungeon! It's the first few rooms. I've been utilizing some new stuff I learned that has quickened development recently. It's nothing too revealing into the game btw.

Just remembered to add in the new mouse pointer, plus check out some of the changes made to the dungeon.

I made Freddy's eyes glow in my game and it looks nice

Freddy's eyes glow now!