So basically, I’ve been friends with this guy called TheDerpMan, who was originally LuigiIsCool and Derp10. I’ve been friends with him for like a year and a half? I don’t really remember the exact time, but we’ve met since we were both fans of the One Week at Mario’s series, if you could even call Derp a “fan”. Regardless, as time has progressed, I’ve come to realize he’s not as good as I hoped he would be. In fact, he’s actually pretty toxic. Heck, even Jone pointed that out before. I’ve also noticed how Derp acts sometimes, so I tried to get him to change for the better back in my old account. Emphasis on tried. There was this one time where I began thought of blocking him after he sent a pretty manipulative message to me. Eventually I did. In my old account. And the account I blocked? The Derp10 account. Here I thought this was the end, but no. He soon came back as TheDerpMan and sent me a friend request. I didn’t want to be rude, so naturally, I accepted. I tried to be nice. Tried to warn him. Tried to be the good guy. But does he change? No. Honestly, he reminds me of my old self in a way. The self that I wish to forget. The one difference between us, though, is that I have changed for the better. TheDerpMan didn’t. I really didn’t wanna have to do this, but unfortunately, he left me no choice. He acts like a mentally unstable child, and I don’t want to have that kind of person as a friend.
Thank you for taking your time reading this. Also, if you’re reading this Derp, I’m just gonna say this: Grow up! Nobody’s gonna want to be your friend if you keep acting like this! Come back when you’ve actually matured.