The player
SCG2000 MK200 ( I have art of him up)
The animatronics/things
MK1-The red one (modeled and rigged)
MK2-The blue one/ the lunatic (Only concept art exsists)
MK3-The green one (Model is a WIP
Sawner 1.0-concept
Sawner 2.0-concept
The Three Trouble makers- a model was made by @000creator000 but was a little too tall for what I was going for but looked amazing nonetheless! The other two have no concepts yet.
.........-unannounced but concept exists
THEM- You already know them.
Custom night animatronics
Razzy Rat-Modeled
The Mannequin-concept
@000creator000 's OC- He made a model, but wants me to do a take on it, so I definitely will after MK3.