Super Cat Wars - A Super Mario War Mod
11 months ago

IMPORTANT! If you notice any outdated credits names in the description of the page, let me know. Same goes for in-game credits. Note: credit updates in the mod may not be immediate due to how I handle updates for the mod itself, so please bear with me.



Next up

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Super Cat Wars GameJolt page.

Check this devlog out for some occasional status posts and updates to the game. For now, I'll showcase the title screen and the Character Select (old screenshots). Cheers!


LOTS OF NEW MAPS! (made by me). Some of these will be added to the GameJolt page soon.

Join the Discord server to contribute maps!

[APRIL FOOLS] Introducing... Super Fowlst Wars

Snapshot 2 Releasing Soon - Details Below

INTRODUCING: Super Soft Wares [APRIL FOOLS 2024]

A new rebranded Cyon awaits! I am not afraid to express myself as a Superstar Dragoon.

Hopefully I can get myself in Super Cat Wars once again... again.

Super Cat Wars 2.0 Snapshot 2 is OUT NOW!

Bamboo Jungle World 5-1 - Bamboo Rush (SCW Story Mode) + Release Timeframe Has Changed!

Super Soft Wares - Final Update

Community Map Showcase 1