10 months ago

Important Message to TWF Fans.

However, we are cancelling Wired Music Awards, due to multiple Violations of Team Wire Firey Recordings Terms & Harassement against Team Wire Firey France, However, we will still Update Wired TV & Team Wire Firey Games & Marketising Until August 13th 2024, The TWF Direct is still maintained and is not impacted but will be Time Reduced, Everything we have done for Team Wire Firey is very Important to us for how much Moments we take to Operate around 7 Services & Servers, Most of the Persons doesn't know how much we take to Make Creative & Original Content such as Firey's Mission) as Example, Thank you for All Supporting Us, we Approve it.

Thank you for Reading

-Julien Delacourt (Team Wire Firey Moderating Appeal/TWF France Developer).



Next up

We are excited to announce the TWF 10 Years Celebration Calendar to view sneak peeks of the upcomming moments around Team Wire Firey Europe and Team Wire Firey Worldwide.

Read more on our Discord Community:


New content from our Team is avaliable on our Discord Community, you can join here!



As of now, we don't accept Friend Requests anymore, If you would like to be in contact with us, make sure to visit our Discord Community for more informations:



Team Wire Firey Europe now opens the Winter Wonderworld Community starting today until February 19th 2025!

A Forum will be made in the TWF Community as part of it.

2 Days are left for Submissions for the TWF Direct of March 15th 2025, Submissions ends at March 12th 2025, to submit a trailer, visit our Discord Community


or Email us at:

[email protected]

The TWF Direct Submissions is about to close in 8 Days, if you want to submit a Trailer before Reddy gets dissapointed, make sure to visit our Discord Community:


or submit by Email:

[email protected]

Team Wire Firey celebrates you all a New Year 2025!

We are hiring Community Animators, Artists, Programmers and Song Compositors!

More information in our Discord Community: https://discord.gg/3SKAzK5U3j

Get noticed of our future upcomming Projects and Celebrate the 10 Years of Wired directly on our Discord Server here!:


Here is the full History of Team Wire Firey Europe from the Foundation to now. Thank you all for 10 Years, Stay Wired!