Wait! Life is Beautiful!
4 years ago

Important Notice - In memory of those who have departed, and in aid of those who are close to the edge.

We set out to create this game for two main reasons. The first is that we wanted to bring a voice to this mostly unspoken part of life, and secondly to give those that are blessed with never having to deal with these thoughts a glimpse into what it is like to live with them.

That said, it is important to know that ultimately Wait! Life is Beautiful! is still a game, and not a guide on how to handle difficult life situations.

Though we do our best to base the text and encounters in the game around our personal experiences, the game's dialogue is not a guide on how to communicate with people in a crisis.

Remember, every being is unique. What works for you and me, or what we personally do to cope with difficult situations, may not work for your fellow person.

So in the end, all events and characters in the game are fictional, please do not try to project the game onto real life.

What's more, the goal of W!LIB! (game goal) is actually not to save everyone, the goal is to survive, and get a glimpse into how even those that are out there helping others can fall into depression, anxiety, and ultimately suicide.

If you know someone that helps others, don't ignore them, or automatically think that they are ok, be sure to let them know that they are valued and that as much as they are there for others, others can be there for them.

P.S.: Suicide is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. If you or someone you know is depressed and suffering from suicidal thoughts, the best you can do is seek professional help. In such a situation, even the closest people without proper skills may make things worse, even if they have the best intentions.



Next up

Here's a screenshot from the beginning of the game that you'll be able to see only after the whole game is out. For now if you play the demo you'll start on the Suicide Bridge right away. #ScreenshotSaturday #WLIB #SuicidePrevention

Here is another haunting dream that Will will eventually have. All of the dreams have a specific meaning, what do you think is the meaning of this dream? #WLIB #SuicidePrevention

One of the characters that you will eventually encounter in #WLIB is the Puppet Man. He doesn't know anymore if he's a human or a puppet. Most importantly, he doesn't like kids. He never did. #ScreenshotSaturday #PixelArt

Wait! Life is Beautiful! is released! A message from the developer is attached to the post. Unfortunately, we had some problems with the payment via GameJolt, so the release here will happen later, but we are already out on Steam with a 10% discount!

We are making an interactive psychological thriller about suicides with a touch of black humor. The main hero decided to quit his meaningless job and start saving lives on the Suicide Bridge!

Follow us on GJ:

#WIPwednesday #WLIB

We're working on a new animated trailer for #WLIB. It takes extra time to get everything correct, from the animation to the text - and for a game like ours - the text is one of the most challenging parts! #GIF #WIPwednesday #IndieGame #MadeWithUnity

Be sure to follow us this week to learn about: 👾 The benefits of playing video games 📺 Our brand new animated trailer ‍ 🙎‍♂ Character intro Cancer Patient

This character may seem strange at first, however it comes with an important message. Mental health affects people in multiple ways and everyone needs unique help. What may seem crazy to a group of people, could well be that person's reality. #WLIB #GIF

What words can stop a person that has nothing to lose?

The more people that Will helps, the more his psyche will gradually suffer. This will gradually manifest itself as vivid dreams. Here is the first one, what do you think is going on here?

#ScreenshotSaturday #IndieGameDev #PixelArt