Incident 9-20'19 20-9-13-5 20-15 5-1-20

2 years ago


Problems in game developement..

Greetings to all. I'm almost close to being able to continue developing episode 1. It would seem that just the first, starting episode. What could be serious here? Actually, maybe. Firstly, the process of game development itself is not so simple. But here I hope that you yourself understand this. The problem is that I can learn game development skills, but not others. At least it will be much more difficult for me. Yes, I'm just a dreamer. A man who sees an island but can never build a boat for himself. Fortunately, I do not despair and try to somehow help myself in all my activities. However, this game will still not be easy without special people.

The game still needs an artist. Unfortunately, the game will not be sold (at least at the time of the release of episode 1), therefore, it is very difficult to find a person who draws beautifully and skillfully, has enough time and is ready to do it for free as a help to the game. But I continue to hope and believe that such people exist. I posted ads on some resources, but so far they have not responded. This is the first and, in principle, the main reason why I simply cannot continue developing the game beyond the half-empty main menu.

The game still needs a composer. Here, just as in the case of an artist, you need a person who creates high-quality music and is ready to do it without payment. Some people who know me well enough will ask why I don't make music myself. I will say that I was never able to learn how to make music in electronic form, and due some reasons I forgot how to play the piano. Therefore, the composer is another reason why game development is slowing down.

Perhaps most artists and composers will say that I'm just insolent, do not respect the work of other people and just lazy. But I will say that I am not exactly considered lazy, because I still do most of the effort on my part. For example, searching for people, developing and writing a plot. Therefore, I ask you not to be angry with me and not to think badly of me, but I just have to do it.

Thanks to everyone who read this post. If you are an artist or composer who would be willing to help me, please respond in the comments below this post. Also thanks to everyone who stays in touch and supports the development of the game!



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