22 days ago

Important. Read if you have time.



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"When asked about his son, Elliot Black, Richard Black says that Elliot died shortly after the death of Richard's wife. Despite this, close friends of Richard have said that there's been sounds coming from a locked room in his home. Nobody is sure why."

it's too late.

too late.exe by mr pixel

Streaming soon ig

Teaser for the people that are interested

Made by dust

"show me your pride"

Btw new oc

"I'm not like other tank engines. I'm a diesel engine, with feelings and hobbies."

Our third Pride Month quest has gone live!

Accept the quest and decorate for Pride by placing 30 stickers on posts that use Game Jolt's Pride backgrounds.

You can also support The Trevor Project by picking up some of our Pride collectibles in the Shop!

Netflix: "Are you still watching?"

The television remote:

Both the game and the TV show of The Last of Us have been praised for their depiction of Bill. In 2013, GLAAD described the game's Bill as being "as deeply flawed but wholly unique a gay character found in any storytelling medium this year."

erm actually it's jod