I should’ve mentioned this earlier here for those who don’t see my Twitter but I’m doing so now. Clickteam Fusion 2.5: Standard, the programming language I’m using is currently suffering with bugs and other issues. These issues are getting in the way of progress for TNSaTC. Not only will this affect a build-release of the game, it will also affect the gameplay for the trailer. I’ve been working on the trailer since December and the gameplay is literally the ONLY thing I need left for the damn trailer! The bugs can go from me not being able to rename actives to me not being able to import IMAGES OR SPRITES! If I’m right, Clickteam is currently aware of this and has actually released an update patch for Fusion 2.5: Standard but it has visibly not done much. There will be more patches eventually but I’m having a vote on Twitter for hoe I should make the gameplay footage. Thank you for reading this, if you have a Twitter and if you want to vote for the outcome of the gameplay footage for the trailer, here’s the Link: https://twitter.com/Lou_games77/status/955940747768926209