First of all, thanks for the amazing support and feedback. I am really happy people enjoy some stupid game I made in my spare time, I honestly am.
Now, I wanna talk about 3 important topics:
1) Unique Soundtrack
I want to stop using Undertale’s music and release a version of the game with unique songs that are references to TF2’s songs. The problem? I am bad with music, so I’d need to get other people to do it for me. I do not have any money, so I can not pay anyone, and if people did make songs, they’d have to do it out of love for the game.
Of course, I’d give them full credit in the game and perhaps (not guaranteed) even a shoutout in a special video. I am saying this just so you don’t expect anything bigger.
There are over 100 songs in the game, so I think it’d be best if as many people as possible worked on the soundtrack. I’ll have to replace all songs, not just the popular ones like Megalovania, also the unpopular ones like the menu or game over themes.
If you are interested in doing that, post a comment below.
If enough people are willing to do it, I’ll make a followup post with all the songs that need to be replaced and which songs from TF2 they’re supposed to parody.
A few people like Xeno have already made great songs for the game, so this is exactly what I am looking for. Check out this link to hear them (Warning: slight spoilers):
2) Special edition
The soundtrack is supposed to be part of a special edition of the game, as I’ve mentioned in my interview on Kritzkast. The special edition is supposed to have additional content, like extra enemies, battles, rooms, cutscenes and maybe even minigames. Maybe even some cut features might get added, like hats or Jane & Dell’s house.
I am also hoping to add full gamepad support and customizable controls.
All of that is going to be in there, if I even make the special edition. Because…
I only really want to work on it if the game was more popular. I worked on it for 1 1/2 years, and while it’s very popular now (and I am glad for that), it’s not nearly enough of what I had imagined. I wanted to use the game to boost my channel’s popularity, and if I had just made videos in the time that I spent making the game instead, I am sure it’d be much more popular than it is now.
Making games is hard work, and so is making the special edition. I just don’t want to spend so much time working on something that only a “handful” of people are even going to care about. I’d rather make Youtube videos instead.
I don’t think this is too much to ask for, considering the game is A) free and B) already out. The special edition is just extra content, and if you work for it, you can earn it as a reward for your passion and support.
Here’s how you can help: Spread the game. I feel like a lot of people would enjoy it, but just don’t know it exists. Just tell people about it, mention it to your friends, make posts about it on forums, draw fanart, etc.
It’d be especially amazing if you got famous Youtubers (ones you know would like it) to make a video about the game. But if you also made videos yourself, that’d be fantastic, especially reviews, as I can use that feedback for the special edition or future games.
Let people know it exists, fans of Undertale and/or TF2 so that it gets more popular and I see a reason to make the special edition.
If you make songs for the game, I will add them anyway, even if I never make the special edition. I won’t update the song just for 2-3 songs, but if it’s enough, I will.
I am also going to keep making smaller updates for the game, like bug fixes etc. I am still in the process of collecting bugs, glitches and spelling errors, which brings me to my last point:
3) Report errors
If you see any bugs or glitches, tell me. Also notify me of spelling errors, like normal typos or onomatopoeias. For example, things like “Ouch” or “Sniff” are supposed to be in brackets, like so:
Sometimes I used asterisks ( * ) instead, but that’s wrong. I just forgot where in the game that happened.
If you spot any mistakes, please send a screenshot or just tell me.
Well, that was everything. Again, even if I end up not making the special edition, any songs you guys make will get added.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Let me know what you think and if you’d like to make some music for the game.
Have a good one, goodbye! :)