Extra facts:
Hands and feet are not made of metal, but have somewhat similar properties and color, and are very lightly furred with actual flesh is beneath it.
Can levitate about 1-3 inches, but very rarely as they heavily prefer to be on my feet. Though they do use it to intimidate or when their really pissed.
Can Bonnie Punch.
Pending forklift certification.
Has a second pair of ears but they are normally hidden.
Can't be incapacitated in any way but can still be majorly injured.
For lore reasons, Nightmare Tails from FNaS, is slightly related to them. (Due to the triple tails.)
Ears can perform a 180 swivel, s o t h e y c a n h e a r y o u.
There is white stripes of fur, under the first layer. Which is why it's normally not visible.
Mini pocket dimensions where pockets would be.
Knows a Lord X, not particularly friends but they don't mind each other. (NOT X-LORD!!!)
A pacifist, but can fuck you up, tied and blindfolded.
Sometimes wears a black and red sweater-jacket thing, and baggy black and red cargo/sweatpants.
Can see very well in the dark, and pupils can actually glow in the dark, due to a condition though, that surprisingly has no side effects.
A very interesting thing with them is that if they end up in different realms, for example the entity's realm, they can leave in a unique way, but cannot enter different realms themself.
XM (X-Malacho) is the alternate version of Malacho. They can transform into XM when really pissed or rarely when they just feel like it.
All fan-art is accepted, EXCEPT NSFW, I will fucking kill you if I find this. If it's bloody, gory, brutal, or Halloween themed, try to draw it with XM.