Frex Family Diner! [CANCELED]
4 years ago

-In general, I'm looking for people to help me create character models..



Next up

-So I decided to do Glam-Rock Freddy,in pony town, and it turned out crooked as usual :/

-пока мы создаем игру,держите милый постер этими милашками UWU (на арте: Уильям АФтон,Майк Шмидт,Джереми Фицджеральд,Скотт Коутон(фон гай)

ENG: returned to Fallout Equestria a few years later :)

RUS: спустя несколько лет вернулся в Фоллаут Эквестрию :)

-I want to return the time when I had friends :) ...

ENG: - I just want to thank.. our beloved Scott for giving us such a wonderful childhood.. we all love you very much Scott and the memory of you will never die..

see you on the back side..


-Sorry guys, but this project is closed due to the fact that I do not have time due to study, plus a lot of problems ... If I can, I will continue this project in the future, and plus no one wants to help me with building the game and character models.

ENG; wow, already 100 followers, thank you all very much uwu

RUS: ух ты,уже 100 фолловеров,спасибо всем большое uwu

-wow how long have i slept?

and so thanks for 39 subscribers :)

art comission.

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^