3 years ago

In the Pixar short, "Knick Knack", there were two dolls called "Sunny Miami" and "Sunny Atlantis". The original short was released in 1989, but there was an edited version when it came with "Finding Nemo". The difference was the bust size of the dolls.

They made this change, because of the popularity of Finding Nemo to make it more family-friendly. As you can see in this video, someone compares the two (not my video): https://youtu.be/NfvbOYtlThY



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Finally completed A Hat in Time few days ago. My first platinum trophy. 😎

Finally starting to read Vast Error this is gonna take so long. It’s crazy how different the art style is at first compared to what you see now. I’m excited to get to know the lore.

Something that baffles me is that when someone on Game Jolt does something people don’t like or is a terrible person people aren’t normal and just block them. Instead, they will proceed to tell them to kill their selves instead. Why are people like this?

Sonic xtreme found footage "fake"

It feels weird each time I get a year older. (Aka, it’s my birthday.)

Spanish-speaking Lost Media: Undertale HS (High School)

I'm 95% sure this is Lost Media.

I want to know if there is data from this WebSeries.

The images used are examples and do not belong to me.

Houdini Splicer fight in 1998 mode - Bioshock: Infinite (Burial at Sea: Episode 2)

I'm finally caught up with Homestuck for now after 3 or 4 years. I can die happy now.

[CURRENTLY UNSOLVED] Possible lost build of an english translation of Zoop for the Sega Saturn?

Here’s my review for Chainsaw Man Season 1. I’m saying this since Season 2 will probably release next year.