-No more fade effect when Insane SpringBonnie leaves
-Made the closing your eyes mechanic a little faster
-Updated some stuff for the Extras menu
-Added sound for the Options menu
-No more fade effect when Insane SpringBonnie leaves
-Made the closing your eyes mechanic a little faster
-Updated some stuff for the Extras menu
-Added sound for the Options menu
Weshek RN
ONaST 3: Advanced WIP Preview
10 Years at Treasure Island
my funni art for five nights at freddy's 8th anniversary!!!
The whole Weshek controversy be like
Insanity: Revision 1.5 is now in development!
[TEOD: OR] Goofy/Ace in Bathrooms
Rn I'm in need of some money to be able to finally buy a new PC and and pay for my university studies.
Open the article for references of my art
It's~a him, Mario Fazplumber
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