Mn: How did you meet edu mohe
MTS: In gamejolt, I kind of knew of his existence because I was in a discord group with him and one day he started talking to me on gamejolt and that's how we met

Mn : what is the fangame you are doing now
MTS: Cat Troubles Night

Mn: what is your favorite fnaf fangame
MTS: Popgoes and Fnac
But the best for me is Fredbear and Friends Left to Rot

Mn: are you thinking of leaving the fnaf community
MTS: nope
At least not for now

Mn: how's it going cat troubles night
MTS: Good A little slow But well

Mn: domitabis remake ohh popgoes evegreen
MTS: Hard decision both are very good But I would say evergreen

Mn: how did you learn to model
MTS: Watching tutorials and asking for tips

Mn: cat troubles night is coming out in 2022 oh 2023
MTS: If all goes well in 2022

Mn: How do you feel that many people support you for creating a very good fangames with exquisite art
MTS: Well the truth feels good That there are at least some who are interested in the game

Mn: what's next after cat trouble night
MTS: Popgoes: The Black Rabbit But if you mean if it will have a sequel I'm not sure
support oh @__Marquitos__
If you want me to do more interview tell me in the comments