5 years ago

Interview with Dr. Gaster about COVID-19!

To ensure a healthy lifestyle during the outbreak of COVID-19, our friendly Doctor Gaster has taken some time to give an interview about some very crucial tips to give to all of us.



"As the virus continues to spread across the globe we must take precautions to keep ourselves hygienic by washing our hands for 20 seconds with enough soap to cover all of our hands. "

" Make sure to wash your hands and rinse them thoroughly throughout the process. Repeat this after eating food, coming contact with pets and other things that can possibly make our hands dirty. "

" Don't be afraid of washing your hands. Do it for your own and your family's benefit and for the planet as well. "



" Water is and has been a vital substance throughout human life. Without water, we cannot live the lives we're living in right now. During this outbreak, it is imperative to increase your consuption of water. "

" Make sure to carry your water with you wherever you go and try to drink it regularly as possible. My suggestions would be to drink about 1.5L-2L of water every day as it is an important source of nutrients and helps to flush out toxins and waste from our body. "



" During the outbreak, perhaps one of the most important things to say to you all is to stay inside your house at all costs unless you have to. "

" It is really important not to come into contact with your friends / neighbours as it can be risky for your health as you may get infected from others. "

" Make sure to avoid going to public places either by yourself or with friends. Sorry, cancel your playground time for a later date. "


" As for you people currently under quarantine/lockdown, I would suggest doing the hobbies / chores you left behind during your normal daily lives. Try to make every second of your lives worth it. "

" I am currently under quarantine as well and when I'm not working in the hospital/lab, I like to practice learning a new language such as French! (J'aime les baguettes!) "

" While shopping, I also recommend thinking about others and not buying everything excessively. Sure, I can understand the panic but at least leave some toilet paper for others! "

" As we currently don't know when the virus may be stopped we ask you to take care of yourself by reading all of the tips me and my team have provided for your benefit. "

" Besides these tips, also make sure to sneeze into your elbow / tissue and not the outside world as it conveys germs into the environment. One final tip is to don't try to touch your face, nose and eyes as it is very risky! "

Thank you and stay safe everyone.



Next up

Version 2.0 Changes

I was bored, so I made art for my Undertale Fangame, Dr. Weed Gaster!

(hope you like it? xd)


Thank you very much everyone :)

'Tis the time to spread da memes with Dr. Weed Gaster and MLG Sans.

noelle joined

Thank you for 25 memers on the DRWG community!

As gratitude, I would love to share with you this teaser about the PACIFIST Mode for the final version (2.0).

This takes place in the final battle, in which there are 4 acts. (This is teaser is from Act 4)

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

The FINAL title screen for Dr. Weed Gaster!

(Also a sneak peek at which characters are being remade.)

Dr. Weed Gaster in...




Hello everyone! Just wanted to say thank you all for 48 members on the community!

For this, I prepared a special kind of teaser!

The GIF is taken from the Final Act (4/4) of the Final Battle.

(More information in the article)