We took some time and we interviewed the creator, Logan Branjord, of Chicken Assassin to take a look at the influences of the game and how it came to be the kickass game that we know it today.
We learned that some of the biggest influences for Chicken Assassin are movies. Logan said that while sharing ideas with the team, a phrase that would frequently be said was “hey, look at this movie!” In particular, a big part of those movies were old 80’s action films. We all know the outrageous action movies of Steven Seagal and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now take every kind of cliche that there is in those films, sprinkle some alcohol and gambling in there, and BAM! The birth of the idea of Chicken Assassin.
Another influence of Chicken Assassin is the creation of Mean McAllister himself and our childhood buddies, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As seen in the Origin level, Mean was a little egg walking around fighting those tomato bullies, when one day a nuclear explosion went off and it turned Mean into a huge fighting machine, similar to the TMNT.
From little baby farm raised egg to a genetically modified fighting machine, Mean McAllister has definitely made us want to be on his ringside team.