Hi! As you've probably seen in the title, I'm making ITP 3D but VR! It will be a fully 3D adaptation of the game including *almost* all of the stuff that is showcased in the original game, including arcades!
As mentioned before, I'm seeking some help in the ART department, since I'm not such a 3D Modeler.
The roles needed are:
3D Modelers.
3D Environment Artists.
3D Character Modelers (Both HUMANS and ANIMATRONICS)
Character Riggers (If not, we will just use default mixamo rig for all extra characters such as other kids and adults seen around the game.
3D Character and Environment/Object Animators.
Now, here's the specific requeriments for these positions:
Proven experience using any 3D software, such as Blender, Maya, Etc... *
More than 2 years of experience (if you think that you're good enough but don't meet this requeriment, we can discuss in DMs) / Optional.
No newbies! *
As for the style, it will be a mix of the original ITP "essence" and some "realism" for the horror aspect of the game.
To prevent inactive team members from affecting the project development and overall workflow, there's a 1 week period time before you get kicked for inactivity.
If you meet any of the previous and are willing to participate on this, make sure to DM me on Discord!
Discord: skythedragon_official
Have a good day, willing to work on this together!