This is the NIGHTSHADE GAMES team here with a huge announcement. “CHARA: Last Hope” is being fully rebooted and renamed to “Fallen Fates.”
First, we’d like to thank you for following this game for the last 6 years. In that time my experience with Gamemaker and my expectations for this game has changed. I started this project at age 13, and have since grown as a developer. As much as I’ve changed, my desire to make this game hasn’t. My dream has always been to: “make something that is more than just the average UNDERTALE fangame.” In that time, I’ve been learning and growing, and it is now the time to make this dream a reality. To get this project going, we need to do something both drastic and huge.
With the help of my new co-director, Starlight Sam (@Starlightshore ), we are taking this game to new levels it hasn't ever reached before.
We are rebooting the game from scratch.
Art, story, music -they’re all being taken apart and reconsidered. Some things will be kept but for the most part, everything will be reworked from the ground up.
As of this post, we are still using TML’s Undertale Engine in Gamemaker Studio 2.
Lighting Engine was built by FutureGamer25
As you can see, we’re already making headway in our progress. The story itself is still early in development (its reboot is still very recent) but we are excited to tell this story. We hope you will find it as fun and thrilling as we aspire the game to be.
Thank you for following Fallen Fates.
Artworks, thumbnails and banners created by MafiaC