Sister Location Super Custom Night

1 year ago

Introducing FNAF 1 + 2 UCN: The Super Updates!

Hi everyone! Now that SL SCN is in a good spot (for now) I've decided to officially move to the next set of projects I'll be focusing on this year. I've learned quite a bit from making the first Super Custom Night game, and I've decided that the original Ultra Custom Night games haven't aged that well at all. So I've just decided to give them a completely new fresh coat of paint and update them to v2.0!

The updates aren't just making small changes and quality of life improvements either, the games will be built from the ground up once more with new mechanics and changes to make playing them a bit better. Essentially, they are both being "super-fied"!

I've been paying very close attention to what should be changed in the games (looking at you NIGHTMARE) and the solutions I've come up with I hope will solve a lot of the issues the games have. With that said, I'm going to be getting a little bit of help from some prominent members from the FNAF Max Mode community as well so you can expect nothing but good changes all around!

Since Five Night's at Freddy's is approaching its 10th anniversary, its only fitting that FNAF 1 UCN will be getting its update first, followed semi-close by FNAF 2 UCN. This should line up with their respective anniversaries, but I'm also planning to continue developing FNAF SL SCN further in between the updates, so what you can essentially expect for this year (in order) is:

  1. Five Night's at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night

  2. Sister Location Super Custom Night v1.2

  3. Five Night's at Freddy's 2 Super Custom Night

And that's all for now! As always, if you managed to read through this whole wall of text I just want to say thank you for reading, and I will talk to you all later!



Next up

Progress Update 1: 10%

A difficult decision.

See you all in 30 Minutes. :)


What could this be?

Rat Race Production Update

Update v1.1 is now available! Introducing Extra Nights!

(Changelog inside!)

Character Teaser No. 2: Ennard

here we go.