Now, you MAY have noticed a featue we introduced during our knightly collab, promoted posts! if you somehow arn't heres how they work
whenever you load up any page with posts (following, fyp, accounts, search results) after the two top posts we shove a post that looks like this into your feed

well we were thinking, why stop there? there are so many other places we can shove ads, so we'd like to inform you
first, whenever you create a post, we'll insert a nice messege for you (you can delete the messege....for now)

On top of that, whenever you go looking for a game, we'll now automatically open the knightling game page in your browser
we will also be introducing these ads into your dms and gcs, where every five minutes our automated ad bot will send messege in every DM and GC to play knightling

We have also changed everyones profile pictures and display names to ads, you can change this for now...

Keep an eye out for these features and more in the future
money for the love of it