The platformer game Super Bombinhas now includes a full-featured level editor!

Unleash your creativity by building your own stages. You can use every element from the story mode levels (spoiler alert!).

There are a whopping 70 types of objects and 57 types of enemies (including 7 bosses) that you can include in your level! And that's not all: many of the objects and enemies have additional parameters that you can configure to refine their behavior!

You can also make your level consist of multiple parts, each with their own background, music and tileset. There are 18 backgrounds, 17 songs and 15 tilesets to choose from!
The levels you save can be played by accessing the "Custom Levels" option in the play menu (and there's now a "Story" option to play the original levels). You can even use check-points in these custom levels and the game will keep your progress between sessions. :)

Enjoy your new creative powers with the latest update of Super Bombinhas. Have fun!