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#GJAsks what retro game deserves a remake for me is Super Mario 64. Not counting the DS version, but the original with a updated polish of the 3d poly, more quest mode sort of similar to the DS version and fix camera control.
#GJAsks who is my favorite video game villain for me is a two-way tie between Dr. Wiley and Dr. Eggman. While both share similar traits as mad scientist that are destiny to fail, but manager to bounce back in a new sequel is very admirable.
#GJAsks what is the hardest video game that I ever beaten for me is Ghost N' Goblin for the NES. Well sort of. I remember when I first beaten it and never again, then after watching the AVGN that you have to beat it again for the real ending.
#DKC30 asked what is my favorite DKC memories. For me it was when the first time witness and appreciating a non CD rom 3d poly graphic format on a 16 bit hardware like the SNES, and listening aquatic ambience blew my mind of how good it sounded.
#GJAsks what retro game do you want to be remade. For me it would be Gyruss the NES version. A 3D remake version that able to switch from fps to third person would enhance the experience similar to Star Fox for the SNES.
#GJAsks what is my favorite video game movie. Originally, it was the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie. But that all change with 2023 Super Mario Bros movie. It reminds me of longer version of tv series Super Mario Bros Super Show if you look closely at it.
I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm...
#GJAsks what was the first video game that I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros for the NES back in 1990. I remember playing every day trying to beat level 8-3 dealing with the hammer bros. I manage to beat it and going to the last level was a breeze.