Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return
3 years ago

Is WoinA canceled?

No, no it hasn't, I'm actually gonna redo the game and make it different this time, it might be in the metaverse direct (@FiveNightsAtWariosTeam, comment if you have a spot left, I want to try to be in it), it will also be renamed to "Diner's return", it rolls off the tounge much better

Edit: I just realized there's no spots left, sorry



Next up

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's more stuff I have done for Diner's Return (flashing lights warning)

See you soon

Chapter 2 Remastered


Hey the build isn't done yet, but here's the menu, I honestly just love how it turned out

I made a another funny

Man I really wish I could be working on Diner's Return, anyways here is the first ever screenshot of Diner's Return vs the most recent screenshot, what a massive glow up

Welcome back to the endgame, Five Nights at Tubbyland 3 Recoded is coming soon, it'll be a small thing to enjoy while waiting for my other stuff, also, most of the gameplay is done

hi guys remember the part of fnaw 3 where the house explodes and dry wario's head flys ot of the house

New Wario jumpscare

hey look, my post got featured again