The worst way to make money is through Riba (aka Usurious Business or Interest)
Riba (interest) is absolutely forbidden in Islam. The Quran has condemned it in such a severe way that no other sin is described with such a degree of seriousness. Even for sins like drinking alcohol, eating pork, committing adultery, or fornication, the Quran does not issue such a harsh warning as it does for Riba.
According to the Qur'an:
"O you who have believed, fear Allah and abandon what remains of interest (Riba) if you are believers. And if you do not, then be informed of a war (from Allah and His Messenger)."
Surat Al-Baqarah, 278-279
And According to the Hadith:
"Abdullah ibn Hanzala (may Allah be pleased with him), whose father was Hanzala, the one washed by the angels, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"A dirham of interest that a person consumes knowingly is worse than thirty-six acts of fornication." "
So yeah, if you're making money by giving loans with interest or similar, you're doomed. Big L.
Gambling is a despicable activity where one party suffers a great loss while the other gains wealth without any effort. People often lose everything, including their money, possessions, homes, and even their wives, leading to embarrassment and regret. If they experienced this shame early on, they might avoid gambling altogether. Gambling is an addictive habit, almost like a drug, which continues to tempt until it ruins the person. It is a form of deception and fraud, both of which are forbidden in Islam, and gambling itself is unequivocally prohibited.
Engaging in the Liquor Business:
AIcohol has been called "the mother of all evils" because a person under its influence can commit any crime, including adultery, robbery, and even suicide. A well-known incident mentions that a person was given a choice between three actions: either to drink alcohol, commit adultery, or kill a person. He chose to drink alcohol, and in his intoxicated state, he committed adultery and killed someone. This is a reality, as alcohol opens the door to many other evils, and it also causes numerous diseases. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) declared alcohol to be forbidden by Allah:
"Translation: Every intoxicant is Khamr (alcohol), and every intoxicant is forbidden." (Sahih Muslim: 2003)
Engaging in the Profession of Adultery:
Adultery is a heinous act, and Islam has declared it unlawful and forbidden. Whoever commits this act will face punishment according to Islamic law. If the person is married, they will be stoned to death, and if they are unmarried, they will receive a hundred lashes and be exiled for a year. This is the command of the Quran:
Surat (An-Nur: 2)
"The adulterous woman and the adulterous man, flog each one of them with one hundred lashes."
Some others:
Usurping the Property of Orphans
Engaging in Bribery
Embezzling Wealth
Pursuing a Profession in Dance and Music
Inflating Prices to Sell Goods
The Ruling on Wealth Earned Through Forbidden Means:
A large majority of people are involved in earning through forbidden means, and the horrific effects of this are evident on society and the community. The question arises: if someone has wealth earned through forbidden means and realizes their mistake, what should they do?
If a Muslim feels remorse for their actions, Allah forgives their sins, except for those related to the rights of others . If we have wronged someone through deceit, theft, bribery, or any other method, it is essential not only to repent but also to fulfill the rights of others. After fulfilling the rights of others, any money left over from the forbidden earnings should be given as charity to the needy.
If the person has bought goods or built a house with this forbidden money, they should sell it and give the proceeds as charity, unless they themselves are in dire need of that item.
We ask Allah to protect us from earning through forbidden means and grant us the ability to earn lawful sustenance. Ameen.