"The word “Jihad” in Arabic literally means “to strive” and does not hold within it the connotation of “Holy War”. This striving can be carried out both for the improvement of one’s own self as well as for defensive purposes, when the Muslims are prevented from practising their religion. However, when carried out in the form of armed defense, it must abide by very strict rules governing such activity with quick return to peace being among them. Islam explicitly forbids the spreading of faith through coercion or compulsion. The Prophet Muhammad(sa) never used the sword to spread Islam. None of the so called Jihad of present day falls under this strict definition, Therefore, killing innocent people as part of some kind of battle or suicide battle is a foreign concept in Islam and is wholly forbidden."
TLDR Extremist "Jihadists" act in a non-Muslim manner, hence why Middle Eastern terrorist groups like Isis are condemned and disassociatted from Islam, as their evil actions are opposed to the Islamic teachings of Greater and Lesser Jihad