A Shadow over Villca's

5 months ago

It has became a tradition with the saga:

Fan art contest! :]

[Read the article to participate]

Create fan art of any character, then post it in the Those Nights at Villca's or Shadow Nights community.

By doing so, your fan art will be considered for inclusion in the game! All drawings are valid (on paper or digital).

he deadline will be when the game is finished, anyway I will make an announcement when the contest ends :]



Next up

This game is basically finished, except for the animations, but don't worry, those will be worked on eventually

Sorry if there’s no activity on the game, but I’ll be back to working on it soon

Among us!

Hello everyone, here is the progress.

Hi! I now have a Rehaunted avatar frame available for purchase in the shop Feel free to buy it lol



I really feel bad for letting my friend Doomsday down with the game. I’ll just show some of the cameras I made for the game since I don’t want to reveal all the art I did in case something uncertain happens in the future
