Wow this is my first time posting a ship lol, Truth is i really don't care abt shipping nor do i even ship anything, I'm not really a big shipper myself, except if two characters have a good dynamic i find interesting, Staroba is an excuse, Staroba 4 life

Next up
I've come to make an announcement, Sou'wester kanako is now officially my fav thing i've created
Undertale/ Deltarune AUs' Biggest Problem
Yo fnafers (Or SL fans), I suggest watching this video, I found it through my homepage recently, It's really well documented and well characterized baby and elizabeth, Support the creator too :) Link is in the article
Happy new year guys! Here's a fanart of me and all the games i've been with this year! (I came back to some as obvious by the fact it's not undertale fangames lol, I wonder if i'll come back to some...)
Has anyone gotten this ad recently? It's actually a really good ad and worth your watch for once (If you're interested in horror games ofc lol), Honestly this is one of the best ads i've ever gotten :)
Sketches 1.
It's already valentines day for me, Happy valentines day guys, Have a doodle of me holding a heart :) Sorry i haven't been spending as much time in this acv, I've been quite busy with otber things, and school 😟😞