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An early sketch for a monster done by one of the artist of this game! we still need a name for it tho, we were trying to name it before a mental disorder.
It feels so weird to comeback here and see two games that I made when I was like 13, I have gotten so much better now and I've made tons of games by now.
I'm back and i'm planning to do a triology of rpg horror games plus a TLV Remake (eventually)
it ain't a secuel to The Lost VIllage tho if you wondered
simply tittled: project nightmare. More info coming soon
Surprise! The Lost Village 2 "Rise of the Shadows" is currently in development i had a few other game ideas but i threw them to the garbage and started making the sequel The new trailer for this survival horror game just dropped, go give it a like and spread the word if possible!
How come the food isn't covered by snow???🤨🤨🤨/
When I publish a public demo of this game I hope that everyone will enjoy the overall atmosphere of the town sector of the game (there will be more areas in later builds)
The NEW chapter; Chapter 2 is finally out, the story will continue on your decition, are you going to play on Ethan's POV? or Jenny's POV, you get to decide (Jenny's Story is still not available on Early access)
This will be the NEW screamer for the monsters in The Lost Village, it changed to a more original one (and by original i mean i just took tricky's scream from madness combat and changed it) i hope you like it (PS: it may not apply for all monsters)
OUTLAST 2 is a great game, but it is very big and takes a lot of resources so this 2D version can help those with lag problems