11 months ago

It’s finally finished

Art + humanoid design by: @Junk_Art

Grise and Kou: @Otis_Le_PoOtis

Yes, I’m aware of the date. I’m pretty busy this whole week and next week due to some IRL events and such going on at the moment.

Hopefully the weekends are my free time



Next up

Hey *Drops this awesome screenshot of my animation progress* ok bye *blows the fuck up*

Artwork + Animation: @Junk_Art

Slendytubbies: Zeoworks

#Slendytubbies #Slendytubbies3

He’s done!

Yeah, I know it’s bad. Don’t need’ta tell me twice

Artwork + Zach: @Junk_Art

Hello *Give W.I.P animation I’m working on*

(I don’t support the artist of this song!!)

I hope everyone enjoyed Bondee's cameo in the Shrek 5 teaser!

Sorry for dying.. I'm just unmotivated. Take this GIF I made I guess

Artwork + Humanoid designs: @Junk_Art

Jolly's series: @IvanG

Happy birthday Otis!

I think I found Fourly

Hey, feeling sick right now. I won’t post any art, I don’t know when I will post art again but for now, no more art

Happy Birthday @Otis_Le_PoOtis !! ✨️

Making my FNaTL Night guard OC; Zach paper plush :3

Artwork + Zach: @Junk_Art

FNaTL: @Critolious