Yes, I’m aware of the date. I’m pretty busy this whole week and next week due to some IRL events and such going on at the moment.
Hopefully the weekends are my free time
Yes, I’m aware of the date. I’m pretty busy this whole week and next week due to some IRL events and such going on at the moment.
Hopefully the weekends are my free time
Hey *Drops this awesome screenshot of my animation progress* ok bye *blows the fuck up*
Artwork + Animation: @Junk_Art
Slendytubbies: Zeoworks
Hello *Give W.I.P animation I’m working on*
(I don’t support the artist of this song!!)
Happy birthday Otis!
I think I found Fourly
Hey, feeling sick right now. I won’t post any art, I don’t know when I will post art again but for now, no more art
Happy Birthday @Otis_Le_PoOtis !! ✨️