Sonic And The Epic Adventure 2

1 year ago

It's finally over...

Will release the full game soon this week.



Next up

Got to play Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time and I got to admit, this game is pretty good. Even though I was playing the Definitive Edition, it was still a good experience nonetheless.

I don't care what you're thinking as you turn to me!

It's time to start Chapter 3.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Reboot page is open...

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

So I just discovered this the now, couldn't stop laughing about it.

This fangame released the same day when IGN made their infamous review on Sonic Unleashed.

How did this come?!

I don't know!?

What happened with FNAW RPG Series?

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

A New Story begins...