The direct consequence of any story changing event is now displayed after the Butterfly Effect Signal
You can now disable/enable QTE Warnings at any time. Interact with the save point next to the bed in your room to acquire this setting in old save games. It will be automatically added to your inventory when starting a new game.
Many bugs have been fixed (it's been too long, I lost track...)
Changed sounds for QTEs and Butterfly Effects.
Changed Death Theme (No more earrape for headphone users)
Starting a new game in the main menu now plays a sound. (Are these hills too silent? ;) )
Adjusted volume levels of sounds and music from 100% to 80% (I may have missed some)
I added a little easter egg regarding my own OC. Can you find it? I will add more when I finish the game.
Ben now reacts to you leaving him behind in a matter of life and death on Day 3
Changed Save File Limit to 16
There may be more stuff I changed. Unfortunately my memory is a bit vague, since a long time had passed where I had to pause development due to a story blockade I was facing near the end of the Abandoned House-Section. I truly apologize for any inconvenience.
I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on this new demo. Any bugs you find, let me know and I'll fix them in the next version.
Thank you all for your support up to this point. It is highly appreciated :D