9 days ago

It's just bois having totally harmless fun-



Next up

That had to hurt-


2 years on Game Jolt. Time sure flies fast. I remember creating my account like it was yesterday lol

(Yeah I know I said I would take a break from making posts, but this is a special occasion, so I might make an exception for this one)

I- Uhhhh- Well-

I'm completely out of words.

Like, I genuinely have no idea how is that even possible, given the poor quality of the game-

So, uhhhh, thank you all I guess.

Fuck you soder.

Thought I would share a few photos of a place where I am right now. The scenery here is absolutely beautiful!

Can you guys guess where I am?


And just like that, it is done!

Happy early birthday Sonic!

Maybe I am a bit too curious-

how it feels to be in this hellhole for 4 years


So, uhh, yeah-

To be honest I expected this to happen, cuz most people thinks my games are good, which is a lie.

Anyway, I guess I'm gonna keep them, but they won't receive any updates anymore (unless I change my mind-)