Today's my birthday!!! Holy shit!!! I'm 17 years old now. Damn. 1 more year and then I can look at porn (joking plz don't banish me)!!1!1!!
On a serious note, I really want to act my age but, sometimes I just let things slip out. It's hard to act the correct age. I'm thinking about halting most game development stuff to control my life a little more. It's not much (consider I look at screen almost 24/7) but, what can ya do really?
Most people these days are very addicted to their devices now, myself included. It is healthy? Hell no. Is it better without? Yes, but also no. You see, I stay inside my house for many reasons.
I hate people. Unpredictable at best. I've seen. SO MANY videos of people being real jackasses or some people that just could be a risk to me and I'm too afraid and have way too much anxiety to let the same happen to me. I get ran into the ground most of the time. It's also one of the reasons why I hate school and take online school.
I'm also an introvert if you couldn't tell. Getting certain words or phrases out trouble me a bit. I didn't really like reading/ELA classes because it had me write long paragraphs of stuff. I can't really think of anything to write even if it's to write anything and I just get stumped and sit there, waiting for the class to end.
Did I also mention that I have autism and ADHD? I do have it.I don't think I'm capable. My life is kinda sad really. Parents being lesbian, none of which have jobs (not anymore) and have to use other people for money + food stamps, you know. I'm the only man in the house and honestly, I hate it. I think my parents are good parents, it's just that, I don't really know if they're doing the best job.
I have very difficult time talking with new people. I don't know what's up with me. I do have autism and stuff so, that basically puts my life on hard mode. ADHD adds to it so, Extreme mode I guess.
I also mostly don't tell people about the things I have/do because anxiety kicks in about all the possible outcomes that come from it.
One time, this happened recently actually (about 5 days ago or so), my mom gave me a porno magazine? I AM 16 but, I don't want that shit๐I don't think people would like me. I have alot of interests and likings. Some might be a little too controversial for new friends. They might have different interests or outright hate it. I kinda want to be normal but, it's things like "FNF" and "Sprunki" that feel "not-normal" (imo)
My humor is also absolutely FUCKED. I'll laugh at ANYTHING stupid. Really. I also vocal stim the stupidest shit. If it's a song, meme, literally ANYTHING, I'll stim it. It's kinda weird, especially if it's a sex joke or adult joke. I like how I remember so much shit about FNaF, but not where I PUT MY FUCKING DRINK.
If you skipped to here, understandable. I wouldn't wanna read allat either. It mostly talks about life stuff and
Ain't no one givin' a damn about someone's life.
Anyways, that's about it. Just really wanted to talk about how I hate my life. I could get it fixed but, I'm not really sure where to go. I like in Kentucky. Might shock you to know that I don't know much about it and if it's a bad state (I don't really research a lot).
Some games might be ported here, just to see if they get traction. Might archive stuff here to.
P.S: To all my old friends.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for not being what you wanted of a good friend. I promise that if we became friends again, I won't ever make the same mistakes of sending porn accidentally, using the bathroom without muting, recording myself in the shower, leaking a game I was apart of to another leaker, still being friends with said leaker, being friends with people that started off hating me but then hating the opposing side, and making a hate game and doing misc bad things with those people.
I'm maturing and won't let those things happen, ever again.
Edit: Made this video looking back at everything.
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