11 hours ago

It's over... I'll be back..

@Lilly_Ash @-MonoBoy- @Budcat64XD @ENGEL_FPE @nicopro_XD_ @JustMonika3096 @Serial_designation_C @Luna_32 @NobodysRoom @friendlyace22 @Manuswix @HollowSprites @NimaTheGaymer08 @oblivion_ @SomeonePutTheGayInGabriel @DudeManOfficals @realKamek64 @ZEAFPE @-Wp_Ax3l- @KaskadePLAYZ_

To my friends, I'm sorry I've failed you all... I appreciate all your help, and no I'm not making this a s_icide note, I'm not huting myself...

To my lovers... I feel... nothing... I loved you and I probably still do but I feel blank right now... it's better that I remain alone right for the while...

Tale of Chaos is canceled until further notice

Cyon, Zea Kamek, Nima, Oblivion, Engel, your rights as the demon gods are revoked until further notice



Next up

Chat I'm stranded...




(Old screenshot because I ain't got my Vergil pictures rn)

Need... to show affection.... to someone... or I will... *KABOOOOOM!!!*

Femboy bingo results:

(All screenshoted and stolen from google)

Just 3 months until I turn 17, then with my parents consent I can move out of the house with my cousin and wear all the slutty femboy outfits I want

Re-upload of the Demon gods of the Fractured Dimension [Directors Vision]

(Made in Gacha because I can't draw)

Mmm yes relapse... let's dive head first back into my crushing suicidal depression then shall we?

Man music is the single greatest thing if all time, it influences my mood 10000% of the time [unless freaky] and now I'm back in a great mood

I've been feeling freaky all day, what should I do?

Gotta go to work, see yall later :3
