By the way guys, I'm ALMOST done with the DLC! It's about 95% done, and probably this July, I might release it afterwards! Pogchamp Moment! :O
By the way guys, I'm ALMOST done with the DLC! It's about 95% done, and probably this July, I might release it afterwards! Pogchamp Moment! :O
Hey guys! I know I haven't posted here in a long time now, but to keep ya guys in check, here is a little Flappy Bird fangame I made in a day for you guys to play named Fly Bubble, Fly!
(Check article for more!)
Hey guys, the KTANE video is finally out on my channel! Go and check it out! Enjoy and have fun watching!
Hey guys! Good news! Taste is gonna be playing the quiz tomorrow at Sunday, 9 PM EST / 5 PM PST!
Stay tuned, and I will be there for a couple hours! (So that I can help Taste get through the hard questions ofc lol)
Well guys, something happened, and now, I am Jax! Yes, from The Amazing Digital Circus! (Read article for more info)
Rat Race Production Update
I dont wanna spoil you guys that much for the update, but here's what the office looks now in the update! ^^
Some changes hehe-
Do I notice some differences here? Don't mind the Sunflower icon at the top-right, I'm pretty sure its nothing :)
''Could someone be at my window?''
Here is some old old stuff of early early development before the game had a coder