Your suggestions have really helped me implement a bunch of usefull features along with a couple of map and gameplay tweaks to make the game better in general.
Update notes:
-Added a zoom feature when pressing "Q"
-Added maps in some shacks and houses
-Updated the map layout
-Added more props throughout the map
-Improved the main menu UI
-Made some changes for the main menu scenery
-Changed the layout of the second part
-Added bloodtrails int the second part for better navigation
-Removed the stairs from the second part
-Added a settings tab in the main menu
-Added settings when pressing "esc" key ingame
-Made the game feel darker
-Changed some of the jumpscares
-Made the tree collider smaller for better navigation throughout the forest
-Improved visibility of the tunnel
-Added some more ambiental sounds and music in certain parts of the levels
-Changed the handlamp model